Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Look Great Feel Great by Joyce Meyer

I am developing some habits out of reading this book Look Great Feel Great 12 Keys to Enjoying a Healthy Life Now by Joyce Meyer and the first was spending time with God daily.  The 2nd habit I want to develop is learning to love myself.  She says "Never forget that God wants you to love your body and yourself.  He expects it no matter what the world has given you.  As the Bible says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).  I am determined to be the best "me" that I can be and quit trying to be what everyone else things I should do or shouldn't do.  I'm going to quit focusing on the fact that I'm overweight.  I'm going to start viewing my body as a friend and doing what I can to support my new friend and know that it's going to be a journey that I need to embrace and enjoy.  I really feel that God is calling me to eat healthier and that is one way that I can truly support my body (my new friend.)...so that is one way that I'm going to be friendly to myself.  I also need to really start focusin on self-care.  I've put myself on the backburner for so long that I know that I really need to start taking care of myself...I have high blood pressure, diabetes, am very overweight, thyroid is majorly out of whack.  I did get my knee fixed so I am very happy about that.  My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.  Darn insurance anyway.  I'm getting off track...but I know that if I start treating myself as a friend and I do what I can to support myself with healthy eating that my health problems can only improve.  So my daily challenge in learning to love myself is going to be choosing to eat more healthy.  It will do my family good too and they all deserve to have a healthy wife and momma.

Will you join me for 21 days of learning to love yourself?  You could focus on self-care or on something that God is telling you that you need to let go of the world's view of what you need to look like or be.  Just pray about it first and I'm sure God will speak to your heart as He did me.

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